Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Memorial weekend project. New doors, trim, and paint.

The room that used to be Scott's and now it's a catch all-room. We put up panels that Jenn had made years ago and we had stashed in the garage. This room looks very good for whatever it is.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

May 2007 Carlson family photo
Ken, Jenna, David, Becky, Neil
Keith, Kathy, Nan, Elmer
Karen, Brianne with Mackenzie on her lap, Desiree, Jacqueline, Wendy, Armando, Cole

The birthday girls Desiree and Jenna

The Richardson family picture

The Richardson family picture that shows us in our true form

Queen for the "Mother's Day"

Scott and Chelsea with their Mother's Day gift to mom

Getting pampered with a birthday pedicure

The surprise happy birthday at Ruby's

The ice cream sure went fast

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Neil and Jenn on the top of the Empire State Building